(FY 2013)


(5)Number of Patients (2009〜2013)

Classification Medical Dental Misasa Medical Center
In-patient Out-patient In-patient Out-patient In-patient Out-patient
Total Per Day Total Per Day Total Per Day
(FY 2009) 260,171 1,634.3 7,032 600.3 13,408 117.5
(FY 2010) 262,354 1,681.4 7,446 621.4 12,508 99.8
(FY 2011) 263,094 1,756.8 7,741 634.1 11,974 87.2
(FY 2012) 258,076 1,821.0 8,860 661.7 0 92.2
(FY 2013) 256,623 1,856.9 8,542 670.1 0 93.2
Average of the last five Years 260,064 1,750.1 7,924 637.5 7,578 98.0

FY 2013 Actual Days of In-patient Treatment 365 Day
Actual Days of Out-patient Treatment 244 Day
Rate of Bed Usage (Medical) 84.00%
Rate of Bed Usage (Dental) 97.51%
Rate of Bed Usage (Misasa Medical Center) 0.00%