(FY 2015)


(6)Number of Clinical Laboratory Examinations

Classification Medical & Dental Misasa Medical Center
In-patient Out-patient In-patient Out-patient
General Examinations 32,918 128,906 0 2,482
Blood Examinations 354,487 381,620 0 7,372
Biochemistrical Examinations 1,453,043 2,307,853 0 47,206
Endocrine Examinations 27,699 80,844 0 881
Immunological Examinations 142,944 257,005 0 1,836
Microorganism Examinations 51,866 26,853 0 393
Pathological Examinations 12,877 11,874 0 52
Other Examinations 37,404 31,094 0 0
Physiological Examinations 13,314 60,874 0 647
Blood and Body Fluid 3,550 122,504 0 0
Endoscopic Examinations 2,104 16,724 0 441
Miscellaneous Examinations 0 0 0 0
Sub-total 2,132,206 3,426,151 0 61,310
Total 5,558,357 61,310