(FY 2013)


(6)Number of Clinical Laboratory Examinations

Classification Medical & Dental Misasa Medical Center
In-patient Out-patient In-patient Out-patient
General Examinations 30,570 91,042 0 3,837
Blood Examinations 451,407 308,036 0 11,115
Biochemistrical Examinations 1,781,588 2,044,978 0 60,041
Endocrine Examinations 22,461 74,134 0 2,158
Immunological Examinations 189,579 282,153 0 2,772
Microorganism Examinations 239,695 21,640 0 422
Pathological Examinations 11,398 14,172 0 222
Other Examinations 1,028 1,116 0 1
Physiological Examinations 81,597 185,586 0 1,077
Blood and Body Fluid 4,023 115,076 0 0
Endoscopic Examinations 2,001 14,123 0 295
Miscellaneous Examinations 120 2,224 0 0
Sub-total 2,815,467 3,154,280 0 81,940
Total 5,969,747 81,940