(FY 2016)


(6)Number of Clinical Laboratory Examinations

Classification Medical & Dental
In-patient Out-patient
General Examinations 54,096 112,657
Blood Examinations 359,340 392,316
Biochemistrical Examinations 1,561,664 2,436,039
Endocrine Examinations 28,595 87,775
Immunological Examinations 152,139 274,623
Microorganism Examinations 52,363 18,717
Pathological Examinations 8,730 13,380
Other Examinations 7,242 12,400
Physiological Examinations 14,248 44,914
Blood and Body Fluid 5,202 125,279
Endoscopic Examinations 2,055 17,319
Miscellaneous Examinations 0 0
Sub-total 2,245,674 3,535,419
Total 5,781,093