(FY 2017)


(6)Number of Clinical Laboratory Examinations

Classification Medical & Dental
In-patient Out-patient
General Examinations 45,415 154,097
Blood Examinations 356,835 388,526
Biochemistrical Examinations 1,470,676 2,447,540
Endocrine Examinations 26,579 87,496
Immunological Examinations 143,613 256,579
Microorganism Examinations 49,862 24,515
Pathological Examinations 12,962 14,383
Other Examinations 7,857 6,007
Physiological Examinations 14,681 42,224
Blood and Body Fluid 7,199 123,634
Endoscopic Examinations 1,980 17,076
Miscellaneous Examinations 0 0
Sub-total 2,137,659 3,562,077
Total 5,699,736