(FY 2018)


(6)Number of Clinical Laboratory Examinations

Classification Medical & Dental
In-patient Out-patient
General Examinations 43,841 151,703
Blood Examinations 345,602 382,886
Biochemistrical Examinations 1,400,405 2,443,307
Endocrine Examinations 27,149 87,777
Immunological Examinations 130,132 257,971
Microorganism Examinations 52,406 24,732
Pathological Examinations 17,345 28,168
Other Examinations 8,124 5,760
Physiological Examinations 18,911 53,428
Blood and Body Fluid 6,786 120,616
Endoscopic Examinations 1,786 16,282
Miscellaneous Examinations 0 0
Sub-total 2,052,487 3,572,630
Total 5,625,117