(FY 2019)


(6)Number of Clinical Laboratory Examinations

Classification Medical & Dental
In-patient Out-patient
General Examinations 40,495 145,866
Blood Examinations 364,739 376,846
Biochemistrical Examinations 1,434,067 2,307,775
Endocrine Examinations 25,393 88,773
Immunological Examinations 135,909 258,817
Microorganism Examinations 52,924 27,283
Pathological Examinations 18,693 27,285
Other Examinations 9,072 5,627
Physiological Examinations 18,036 52,468
Blood and Body Fluid 6,514 116,582
Endoscopic Examinations 1,451 11,821
Miscellaneous Examinations 0 0
Sub-total 2,107,293 3,419,143
Total 5,526,436